We are creating communities.

Saint Louis, MO!
More about our ministries

Our Vision

Empower the Local Church
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Unite the Body
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Evangelize the Lost
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Magnify the name of Jesus
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What we believe!!

About God

The Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.......
About Jesus

Phillipians 2:5-9

There is no other Name under heaven by which men may be saved except Jesus Christ. He is the only way to the Father, No man comes to the Father except by His Son Jesus. All must honor the Son as they honor the Father.
Holy Spirit

Acts 1:8

In order to live out the Christian life we must be empowered by the Holy Spirit. When we put our faith in Jesus we receive the Holy Spirit. We must continually be filled with the Spirit to walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit and to fulfill God's will for our lives.
Love people
Where they are
Encourage them to grow with
Jesus Christ

Meet the team behind Operation STL!!

Eric Ross

Eric Ross

Eric Ross is the President of Operation STL a 501c3 Non Profit empowering churches and communities to connect by faith, unity, service and love. He is the President of E Ross Construction. A God ordained community leader called to remind others of God's love, grace and mercy. Eric was raised in the church and loves the Lord. He is married to a beautiful wife, has children, good parents and a loving family. He had the perfect model life, however he began making wrong choices, choosing friends that were not saved, following the crowd. He chose to rebel, this began his journey to being restored to God and his call to serve.
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Humbled by God in early 2004, he turned wholeheartedly to Him overzealous and began condemning the church. In 2014, Eric was sent to prison. GOD had a plan to propel His purpose. In 2015, he repented and was filled with the Holy Spirit. In 2016, he accepted his call serving in prison until his release in 2017 to serve as assigned. He leads revivals, prayer services, prays with and for government, mentors, uses all of his gifts to build others spiritually and naturally. He presents outreach events that win souls and serves where God leads for His glory. Eric is an overcomer that lives to make a difference bringing Light into the darkness. He is a native of St. Louis, Mo.

Pastor Michele Y. Wright
Community Relations

Pastor Michele Y. Wright is the Community Relations Director of Operation STL and Founder of United Community Services a 501c3 Non Profit serving communities locally and abroad. Michele Y Wright is an Ordained Minister of God, renowned Youth Specialist, Community Leader/Liaison, Motivational Speaker, Event Planner and MC. Michele Y. Wright loves God, loves people and serving communities. She has over 30 years of experience in ministry and community service including youth training, implementing and directing programs for local, civic, international and religious organizations.
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Serves as a Community podcast host on eLATION Radio, impacts schools, aids seniors and leads a preventative substance coalition for community related entities and concerns. She has served with the African Diaspora Council as the Director of Community Affairs and received National Service Training via St. Louis Partners AmeriCorps in Education. She uses her gifts to glorify God and serve others with love, grace and excellence. Mrs. Michele Y. Wright is acknowledged by government for her community work and school districts – and gas been featured on PBS. Michele Y. Wright has various awards including acknowledgement from President Barack Obama and the White House. She is a loving wife to Pastor Donald Wright Jr. and Mother - of - Many. Michele Y. Wright is a native of St. Louis, Missouri. Her Motto is Luke 1:45
Apostle GT Holley2

Apostle GT Holley
Lead Pastor

Apostle GT Holley began his spiritual journey 1980, as he went from darkness into the Kingdom of God. he first served as an usher, Sunday school teacher, and superintendent of Sunday school, church treasurer, and assistant pastor. He planted is first church as a Pastor in 1991. As the Pastor of Grace Fellowship Church and Worldwide Ministries, he has implemented many ministries, such as food pantry, outreach, clothing, prison, men's, youth, women, singles, men's shelters and rehab homes, along with leadership classes.

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Apostle GT Holley attended Western Bible College and Forest Park Community College and has personally studied the bible for over 42 years. He has attended many conferences, summits, revivals, and leadership classes. Apostle has also birthed many sons and daughters that have planted churches, prison ministry, outreach, evangelical ministries, and shelters.
Apostle has been married to Co-Pastor Diane Holley for 42 years, they have 4 children together, all of them are in church and hold positions in the church. Apostle's vision is to see disciples grow with knowledge and to be able to apply the knowledge along with wisdom to lead the lost to Jesus. to be steadfast, and immovable in the work of the lord.
To find and seek their gifts and purpose and to use them to them to bless the body of Christ as well. To teach and encourage students how to handle adversity, trials, challenges of life, and temptations to give God the glory and praise amid it all.
To teach them to fulfill their calling/assignment no matter what goes on in the world and in their personal lives. To see more students in Christ study in an orderly manner in bible schools and to trust God to make away no matter their financial situation.

Carlos A. Cerritos
Web Designer and Developer

Carlos is a retired veteran who served honorably in the United States Army for 26 years. Upon retirement, he pursued a career in website design and development and loved every bit of it. His Christian faith drives his honesty, quality project accomplishment and morals, which are key to his web design agency. Carlos is a top rated web designer, developer, and Search Engine Optimization expert. His company, Faith Web Designers, provides WordPress website design and development, and Search Engine Optimization for small to medium sized serviced based businesses.
Web Design Agency